A course Seat is a used position in a course session. The Seat covers the following services:
- PDF manual
- One printed version of the manual at printing (and shipping) costs
- Online learning environment
- Certificate
SEATS need to be sufficient at the moment of the course session, e.g. if you have a BLS course session for 20 participants in Belgium on 01/01/21, you need to have 20 seats for BLS Belgium in your wallet on 01/01/21.
- Log in to CoSy
- In your Course Organising section, click "Course Seats" to see your overview of available Seats:
- On this page you can order additional Seats by clicking the "Buy more" button.
DISCOUNT: 1 free seat for every 50 seats purchased will be added to orders of at least 100 seats. For example, if 200 seats are bought, 4 free seats would be added free of charge. This discount applies if the Course Centre buys seats in advance and currently has no unpaid past courses.
HOW TO CONVERT SEATS from one type to another:
On the same page, click on 'convert seats'. You can then exchange seats from one type into another
- 1 advanced seat can be converted to 5 advanced recertification seats and vice versa
- 1 intermediate seat can be converted to 5 intermediate recertification seats and vice versa
- 1 basic seat can be converted to 1 intermediate recertification seat and vice versa
For the price of a seat we refer to the specific solution:
- What is the cost paid to ERC and to the national council (by the course organiser) for each course? (01092020-01012021) participant?
Other relevant topics:
- Do I need to pay a seat for a registered participant who does not attend the course?
- What is the 'large course center' facility?
- How to transfer seats to another course center?