•  According to the specific course rules per course type, participants can be assessed using either continuous or summative assessment, or both.


  • Continuous Assessment is guided by the assessment forms for each core skill.
  • Copies of the Continuous Assessment forms should be provided to the participants in advance, along with their manual.
  • If a candidate has not met the recognised criteria, they should be given a copy of their assessment form(s) and offered remedial help.


  • All participants should be given the possibility of completing all Assessment Stations regardless of their results for other Stations.
  • All question papers are copyright protected and must not be loaned, copied or taken away from the course site by anyone other than the CD or CO.


  • Participants with special needs may be granted additional time (e.g. 30 minutes) to complete the paper, at the discretion of the CD. This must be agreed in advance of the exam.
  • Answers must be confined to the answer sheet provided and all question papers and scrap paper must be handed in.


  • Each practical assessment must be carried out by at least one Full Instructor. For Advanced Courses, testing should include another member of the faculty. If an IC is leading the assessment this must be under the supervision of a FI.
  • Practical skills should be assessed through Skills and/or CASTest stations.
  • CASTest on Advanced Courses: Participants must be tested using one of the standardised testing scenarios provided. The CD shall decide which scenario(s) are used for testing the participants. If multiple scenarios are used, they should be allocated to participants in a random manner.  Additionally, a third helper, who may be an additional FI/IC, an IP or trained assistant, may be used.


  • Retest for a failed MCQ is not possible; in this case a Resit must take place.
  • Each participant on the course will be entitled to an immediate Retest on any practical Skill or CASTest. These are conducted using a different CASTest selected in advance by the CD.
  • different Instructor appointed by the CD should assess the retest.
  • Only if a participant fails either the CASTest Retest or the MCQ, may the faculty decide to refer them to a Resit, this decision must be confirmed by the CD. In other cases the entire course will need to be repeated as a regular participant.


  • The Resit can take place on a future course or a specific limited course for this purpose, within a period of 1 year, by different faculty members.        
  • An MCQ Resit should be a different paper taken under invigilated conditions and under responsibility of a CD.
  • Only those Resit participants who complete their Resit successfully will be considered to have passed the course. If a participant fails a Resit their only option is to repeat the entire course, in which case they are considered a regular participant.