Candidates with disabilities are eligible to undertake ERC life support courses.
The ERC recognises its obligations not to discriminate against, and to make reasonable adjustments
to their policies and procedures for those with disabilities in order to avoid any discriminatory
impact and will do everything it can to assist those with a disability, and will ask its Course
Organisers and faculty members to do the same.
Candidates should notify the Course Organiser of any disability before the start of the course and
the Course Director should then make reasonable efforts to accommodate the candidates’
requirements. For example, the Course Organiser may be able to make changes to the physical
surroundings or, if a disabled candidate is physically unable to undertake a task, it may be possible
to allow the candidate to instruct a proxy instead. However, any such changes should not cause a
deterioration in the experience or training of the other candidates.
The award of an ERC certificate (whilst not a certificate of competence nor a licence to practise)
indicates that a candidate has successfully completed a course and by inference has undertaken
active participation. In some situations a disabled candidate might successfully pass all of the
theoretical aspects of a course but, due to a disability, be unable to complete all of the physical
course requirements.
Employers are themselves directly responsible for establishing that their staff has the capabilities
requisite to their clinical setting – this is essential in the interests of patient health and safety.
Accordingly, they must not rely to any extent on the holding by an individual of a certificate from
the ERC as lessening their responsibility in that respect.