• Interested candidates who have a valid and recent (P)BLS provider certificate (max 1y + 3 months after the last course) are eligible to become ERC (P)BLS instructor.
  • To do so, these candidates have to attend a Basic Life Support instructor course.
  • After having participated in a (P)BLS instructor course and being positively evaluated by the (P)BLS instructor course director, this candidate becomes a (P)BLS instructor candidate

  • He or she then has to participate in two (P)BLS provider courses (no recertification courses) as (P)BLS instructor candidate, and this to the satisfaction of the lead instructor before instructor status is granted and a certificate issued.The IC must be present for the entire Provider course.
  • Where possible, an IC should gain experience teaching and assessing each of the different teaching and assessment methods.
  • If, after 2 courses as IC, the candidate has not reached the required standard, an additional opportunity to serve on another course as an IC may be offered at the discretion of the faculty. In the other case, the IC status of this person is withdrawn.
  • While teaching, an IC should always be supervised by an instructor.
  • ICs should be given feedback on their performance in all teaching sessions by instructors. These assessments must be discussed with the IC.

  • From 01/11/2020 onwards:
    • ALS - ILS instructors are considered to be BLS instructor candidates and will need to do one course as instructor candidate before becoming a BLS instructor.
    • the same is true for EPALS - EPILS instructors to become PBLS instructors

  • From 01/11/2020 onwards: An IC should complete both teaching practice(s) within 3 years of the date of their relevant instructor course, unless exceptional circumstances prevent this. 

  • From 01/11/2020 onwards: the instructor course for Basic life Support and for PAediatric BLS is the BIC. Participants of the BIC become IC according to their provider certificate: BLS provider become BLS IC, PBLS provider PBLS IC. 
    • it is possible as CO to add specific modules to the BIC so that providers from BLS or PBLS can get additional training in BLS or PBLS before starting the instructor course
    • more specifically, if someone who is already BLS IC or instructor participates in a PBLS provider, they will only become a PBLS IC if they have done a BIC with a paediatric skill module. If not, they will need to do this skill module before becoming PBLS IC. 
    • The same is true the other way around.
    • This flow will depend on the country wherein, as countries can decide to allow BLS or PBLS IC or instructors to immediately become PBLS or BLS IC respectively once they have done the PBLS or the BLS provider course (and thus not needing this extra skill module).