• A Course Director Candidate CDC is an experienced instructor who is invited to shadow the CD.

  • In order to be eligible to be selected as a CDC, an Instructor needs to have taught on at least 4 entire courses of the same type as instructor and be invited to act as CDC on a course by a CD.
  • Once an instructor has been selected as CDC they need to complete at least 2 courses of the same type as CDC, within 2 years and preferably with 2 different CDs, to the satisfaction of the CD before they can be upgraded to CD.
  • The upgrade to CD needs the approval of the National Resuscitation Council of the CDC’s residency, self-sufficient for that type of course or, in the absence of that, by the Chairman of the ERC International Course Committee of that course.

  • A course can have maximum 1 CDC. The CDC must be present throughout the entire course.
  • Each course must be led by a CD who is qualified for the relevant course type. ILS and EPILS courses can be directed by ALS and EPALS FI respectively. A course can have maximum 1 CD.
  • The CD sets out the program and invites the instructors. He or she also approves the results of the course candidates and assesses the instructors. The CD will be responsible for recommending CDCs to become CDs. They are responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the course. The CD must ensure that records are kept during the course. The CD is responsible for ensuring that the course fully complies with the regulations. Where the regulations are not met, the approving body may withdraw course approval or CD qualifications or CO permissions. 
  • On Advanced and Instructor courses, or courses where a CDC is to be assessed, the CD must be present throughout the entire course.
  • CDs are entitled to direct ERC courses in any country, as long as they adequately speak the language of the course, comply with the CD requirements of the local NRC, and are invited by a Course Organiser, recognised in that country.