• Complaints related to a specific course:

A complaint can be submitted, within four weeks of the completion of the course or of a relevant event that occurred after the course:

  • by any individual(s) or organisation directly involved in the course: to the CD
  • by the CD: to the NCD or - if no NCD was appointed - to the NRC or - if the NRC is not self-sufficient for that course type - the SEC co-chair
  • if the CD is the subject of the complaint: to the NCD or - if no NCD was appointed - to the NRC or - if the NRC is not self-sufficient for that course type - the SEC co-chair. However, if the person who should receive the complaint is directly involved, the complaint should be submitted or immediately be referred to the higher level.
  • In the first instance, the CD (or NRC) makes a decision within four weeks of having received the complaint.
  • If the solution is not considered acceptable, any of those involved may launch an appeal in writing within two months of the end of the course or of a relevant event that occurred after the course has been completed, to the National Resuscitation Council (if Self-Sufficient) or, in other cases, to the SEC co-chair for that course type.
  • That NRC or SEC co-chair will make a decision on the appeal within two months of receiving it, in line with the rules as described in this document and with a copy to the ERC Office, which will inform the relevant SEC co-chair.
  • If this decision is not considered to be in line with the rules as described in this document, any of those involved may elevate the situation, within one month of having received the decision, to the DC-Edu via the ERC office (cassation). The DC-Edu has six months to judge and has the power to revoke and request that the deciding authority provides an alternative solution that abides by the rules.


  • Removal of CC permissions and/or CD/Instructor qualifications:
  • The removal of CC permissions and/or CD/Instructor qualifications can only be discussed:
    • during the appeal procedure of a complaint related to a specific course (13.1)
    • following a complaint related to a specific course by a CD involved in that course (13.1)
    • following a complaint by a NCD about a CD related to a specific course (13.1)
    • based on an independent quality control report.
      • In the first instance, the Self-Sufficient NRC of the country of residence of the defendant or in other case the SEC co-chair makes a decision within three months of having received the complaint.
  • The DC-Edu will reconsider the decision taken by the Self-Sufficient NRC or SEC co-chair, may ask any party involved for their opinion and will take a final decision, preferably within a time frame of six months after the appeal has been received.
  • If this decision is not considered to be in line with the rules as described in this document, any of those involved may elevate the situation to the Board via the ERC office (cassation). The Board has the power to revoke and request that the DC-Edu provides an alternative solution that abides by the rules.

  • Overview complaints procedure:







Course related




DC- Edu


Complaint by CD



Complaint about CD

Withdrawal related

Complaint or QC 

(not individual)


DC- Edu



Declined CC permissions by NRC

Appeal lodged by declined CC


DC Edu
