BLS/AED provider specific
- The assessment may be undertaken either continuously during the practical sessions or during a separate assessment at the end of the course, at the discretion of the CD.
- Minimum of 1 set of equipment (resuscitation manikin + AED) per instructor shall be available for a group of 6 candidates. When there are 2 instructors per 6 candidates, 2 sets of equipment are advised.
- BLS Providers who wish to train to use an AED should complete the full BLS/AED Provider Course. This will allow for the revision of vital BLS skills that are an essential component of the AED use.
- For courses up to 12 participants, BLS/AED Instructors can run a BLS or BLS/AED provider course without the physical presence of a Provider Course Director.
- For more than 12 participants, the physical presence of a Provider CD is mandatory.
- ICs of Advanced courses can act as BLS/AED provider IC. They have to teach on two BLS/AED provider courses to the satisfaction of the CD, before becoming BLS/AED provider FI.
- FIs of Advanced Courses can act as BLS/AED provider IC. They have to teach on one BLS/AED provider course to the satisfaction of the CD, before becoming BLS/AED provider FI.
EPALS specific
- At least 50% of the faculty must take care of children during their daily professional occupation. Either the CD or the CDC should be a suitably experienced medical doctor.
- Assessment stations for EPALS are:
· CASTest Station
- Two CASDemo stations will be included in the course before the CASTeach. This should focus on the correct management of a cardiac arrest, critically ill child, or trauma and should last at least 10 minutes.
- To maintain EPALS FI status you must instruct on two courses in two years, however, if you teach on an EPILS course this may count as 1 of these.
- Candidates who have failed an EPALS course must attend and pass the EPILS course if they want an EPILS certificate.
EPILS specific
- Assessment is continuous and is guided by the assessment forms provided for each core skill.
- EPALS FIs can instruct and direct on EPILS courses. The CD should be fully involved in the organisation and delivery of the course. EPALS FIs who are active on EPILS courses will automatically receive the relevant EPILS qualifications in the CMS.
- EPALS and EPILS ICs can instruct on EPILS courses and be listed as EPILS IC. If they teach two courses successfully under direct supervision of an EPALS or EPILS FI, they should be upgraded to EPILS FIs but these courses do not count towards their EPALS upgrade.
- If an instructor maintains EPALS FI status, he or she also remains EPILS FI. If an EPALS instructor fails to maintain their FI status but teaches on enough EPILS courses (according to rule 10.4) they will keep their EPILS qualifications.
NLS specefic
- Either the CD or CDC should be a suitably experienced medical doctor.
- . Assessment stations for NLS are:
· Airway Test
- If human umbilical cords are to be used it is the Course Director’s responsibility to follow the local rules in relation to written consent of the parent(s). For further guidance please see sample parental consent letter and requirements for the use of umbilical cords: “NLS 11 use of parts of the umbilicial cord_letter 2011”.
ALS specific
- Either the CD or CDC should be a suitably experienced medical doctor.
- Assessment stations for ALS are:
· Initial Assessment and Resuscitation
· Airway Management
· CASTest Station
- Each CASTest will last 10 to 15 minutes. The CASTests will include, as a minimum, ventricular fibrillation and one other life threatening rhythm.
- Candidates who have failed an ALS course must attend and pass the ILS course if they want an ILS certificate.
- To maintain ALS status, instructors must instruct on 2 courses in 2 years. If, however, they teach on an ILS course this will count as 1 of these.
ILS specific
- Assessment is continuous and is guided by the assessment forms provided for each core skill.
- ALS FIs can instruct and direct on ILS courses. The CD should be fully involved in the organisation and delivery of the course. ALS FIs who are active on ILS courses will automatically receive the relevant ILS qualifications in the CMS.
- ALS and ILS ICs can instruct on ILS courses and be listed as ILS IC. If they teach two courses successfully under direct supervision of an ALS or ILS FI, they should be upgraded to ILS FIs but these courses do not count towards their ALS upgrade.
- If an instructor maintains ALS FI status, he or she also remains ILS FI. If an ALS instructor fails to maintain their FI status but teaches on enough ILS courses (according to rule 10.4) they will keep their ILS qualifications.
- An ALS FI who only instructs on ILS courses will fall back to ILS FI status and ALS IC status after two years without a sufficient number of ALS courses. They need 1 ALS and 1 ILS, or 2 ALS courses, in order to maintain their ALS FI qualifications.
BLS/AED instructor specific
- Assessment is continuous and is guided by the assessment forms provided for each core skill.
- GIC ITs who do not hold a BLS/AED provider or BLS/AED FI certificate, should first complete these steps.(12.6-12.7)
- GIC ITs who hold a BLS/AED provider or BLS/AED FI certificate, can act as BLS/AED IT.
GIC specific
- Assessment is continuous and is guided by the assessment forms provided for each core skill.
- In order to be eligible to be selected as a GIC CDC, a candidate needs to be qualified as a CD of an Advanced course type.
- European Trauma Course (ETC) IPs can attend a GIC and receive a certificate.
- The presence of an Educator is mandatory for the GIC.
- The key role of the Educator is to assure educational quality standards of the course; specific tasks include:
- To oversee the education process for the course
- To communicate key points of educational theories
- To have expertise in medical education
- To observe, critique, and guide candidates and faculty
- To focus on learning goals and achievement of the aims
- To facilitate teaching
GIC specific
- An EMC can only be organised by the WGE.
- The WGE can call experienced Educators connected to Resuscitation to the faculty of the EMC.
- An EMC will be organised according to the needs of Educators announced by the NRC or the ERC.
- The EMC aims to be a 1.5 - 2 day course covering the elements of adult learning, assessment, feedback, facilitating learning, fostering understanding and retention, dealing with CD and faculty on an GIG and quality management in the educational process of the ERC