RC (UK) (Resuscitation Council (UK)) COURSES AND ALSG (Advanced Life Support Group) GIC (Generic Instructor Course) COURSES
- Upon receipt of a copy of their RC (UK) certificate(s) issued for a course taught in the UK, RC (UK) ALS, ILS, EPALS, PILS, NLS and GIC Eds, EdCs, CDs, FIs, ICs, and IPs are respectively considered ERC ALS, ILS, EPALS, EPILS, NLS and GIC Eds, EdCs, CDs, FIs, ICs and IPs.
- Upon receipt of a copy of their ALSG certificate(s) issued for a course taught in the UK, ALSG GIC Eds, EdCs, CDs, FIs, ICs, and IPs are respectively considered ERC GIC Eds, EdCs, CDs, FIs, ICs and IPs.
AHA (American Heart Association) courses and ALSG (Advanced Life Support Group) APLS COURSES
- IP qualifications:
As the AHA does not select IPs during provider courses, AHA providers who would like to teach on ERC courses must be selected as IP on an ERC provider course.
ALSG APLS IP’s are considered ERC IP’s for the similar course types.
- AHA and ALSG IC qualifications are considered ERC IP.
- FI qualifications:
- Upon receipt of proof of their valid AHA instructor qualification, AHA Heart Saver (FirstAid) BLS, ACLS and PALS FIs are respectively considered ERC BLS, ALS and EPALS IPs.
- Upon receipt of proof of their valid ALSG instructor qualification, ALSG APLS FIs areconsidered ERC EPALS ICs.
- For them to become ERC IC they need to follow an ERC Instructor course.
- CD qualifications:
- Upon receipt of proof of their valid AHA director qualification and following one of these two options, AHA Heart Saver (First Aid) BLS, ACLS and PALS CDs are respectively con-sidered ERC BLS, ALS and EPALS CDCs:
having followed an ERC conversion course;
if no conversion course is available, they can act as CDC on 2 ERC courses, in that case, participation at an Instructor course is highly recommended.
- Upon receipt of proof of their valid AHA director qualification and following one of these two options, AHA Heart Saver (First Aid) BLS, ACLS and PALS CDs are respectively con-sidered ERC BLS, ALS and EPALS CDCs:
- National Resuscitation Councils who organise their own courses and would like to convertthem to ERC courses can submit a request via the ERC Office. The relevant SEC co-chair will consider the request and assess the courses currently being run by the NRC. This assessment may include the supervision of one or more course by the SEC or an audit of the courses.
There are two possibilities based on the result of this assessment:
The course system is accepted as equivalent to the relevant ERC course: in this case the existing qualifications or courses can be imported into the ERC Course System.
The course system is considered as not equivalent to the relevant ERC course: in this case the NRC can organise new pilot courses in co-operation with ERC.
- Accepting courses of other organisations’ than those listed above for conversion, is at the discretion of the DC-Edu.